za vyuo 2023/24 | Majina waliochaguliwa kujiunga na vyuo 2023/24

Here at leafmanportal you will find
informations and PDF lists about all Universities selection From Tanzania. For
the students who have complete for advanced certificate Education and those
direct from for four , Names and their selection from Different Universities
can be found here at

This articles will Comprise all the
names from Different Universities with their PDF files or direct link from the
source of information which make you easy to access the information provided by
us leafmanportal.

At the moment that you start to search
for Selection za vyuo
2023/2024 and you are intouch with our site, supposed to know that you are in
right place for what you are seeking for.

Leafmanportal universities selection
2023 | 2024,Majina waliochaguliwa kujiunga na vyuo 2023/2024,necta selection
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kuangalia selection za vyuo,selection 2023?

For the case of Multiple Selected
students Multiple selection tcu 2023 | TCU Multiple Selected Applicants
2023/2024 All Universities here you get the PDF for the names.

Below are list of Universities
comprised together with the link wich will give you accessibility to download
the PDF lists for all universities selected students in each given university
or collegue

NOTES:It Happens Sometimes There is no
PDF list for Certain Universities or Colleges Don’t worry you can login into
your admission Account and see the results for your Application.


1.  Mzumbe selected Applicants 2023| 2024

2.  SUA Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

3.  UDSM Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

4.  SAUT Mwanza Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

5.  Iringa university Selected Applicants 2023 | 2024

6.  Udom Selected Applicants 2023|2024

7.  DIT selected applicants 2023| 2024

8.  St. Joseph University Selected Applicants 2023|2024

9.  TUDARCO Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

10.  Ardhi University | ARU Selected Applicants 2023 | 2024

11.  Zanzibar University ZU Selected students 2023 | 2024

12.  Jordan University College Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

13.  Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) 2023| 2024

14.  Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology 2023 |2024

15.  IFM selected applicants 2023| 2024

16.  CBE selected applicants 2023| 2024

17.  NIT selected applicants 2023| 2024

18.  CUHAS BUGANDO selected applicants 2023| 2024

20. Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University {SUMAIT}, Zanzibar

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

21 Archbishop Mihayo University College of Tabora {AMUCTA}, Mwanza

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

22.  Arusha Technical College {ATC}, Arusha Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

23.  Catholic University College of Mbeya {CUCoM}, Mbeya

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

24.  Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences {CUHAS}, Mwanza

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

25.  Centre for Foreign Relations {CFR}, Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

26.  College of African Wildlife Management {CAWM}, Mbeya

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

27.  College of Business Education {CBE}, Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

28.  College of Business Education {CBE}, Dodoma Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

29.  College of Business Education {CBE},Mwanza Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

30.  Dar es Salaam Maritime Institute {DMI}, Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

31.  Dar es Salaam University College of Education {DUCE}, Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

32.  Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre {EASTC}, Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

33.Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2023

34.  Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), Arusha Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

35.Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), Dar es Salaam Campus

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024 Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

36.Institute of Adult Education (IAE), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

37.Institute of Finance Management (IFM), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

38. Institute of Finance Management (IFM), Mwanza

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

39.  Jordan University College (JUCo), Morogoro Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

40.  Kampala International University in Tanzania (KIUT), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

41.Karume Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Zanzibar.

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

42.Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo), Kilimanjaro

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

43.  Local Government Training Institute (LGTI), Dodoma

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

44. Marian University College (MARUCo), Bagamoyo

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

45. Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mbeya

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

46.  Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST)–

Rukwa Campus College

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

47.  Mkwawa University College of Education (MUCE), Iringa

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

48.  Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU), Kilimanjaro

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

49. MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation (MS-TCDC), Arusha

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

50.  Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

51. Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM), Morogoro

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

52. Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

53.  Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA), Zanzibar Campus

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

54. Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), Kilimanjaro

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

55.  Mzumbe University Dar es Salaam Campus College (MUDCCo),

Dar es Salaam Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

56.  National Institute of Transport (NIT), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

57.  Open University of Tanzania (OUT), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2023

58.  Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU), Iringa Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

59. Sokoine University of Agriculture – Mizengo Pinda

Campus College (SUA-MPCCo),

Katavi Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

60.  Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Mwanza

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

61. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) Arusha Centre, Arusha

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

62.  Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences (SFUCHAS), Ifakara

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

63.  St John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT), Dodoma

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

64.  St. Joseph University College of Health and Allied Sciences (SJCHAS),

Dar es Salaam Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

65.  St. Joseph University College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET),

Dar es Salaam Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

66.  State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), Zanzibar Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

67. Stefano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCO), Moshi

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

68. Stella Maris Mtwara University College (STEMMUCo), Mtwara

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

69.  Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

70.  Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA), Mbeya

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

71. Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA), Mwanza

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

72.  Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA), Singida

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

73. Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

74.Tengeru Institute of Community Development (TICD), Arusha

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

75.  Teofilo Kisanji University (TEKU), Mbeya Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

76.  Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

77.  Tumaini University Makumira (TUMA), Arusha

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

78.  Unique Academy Dar es Salaam (UAD Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

79. United African University of Tanzania (UAUT), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

80.  University of Arusha (ATC), Arusha Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

81. University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Dar es Salaam

Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

82.  University of Dodoma (UDOM), Dodoma Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

83.  University of Iringa (UoI), Iringa Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

84.  Water Institute (WI), Dar es Salaam Selected Applicants 2023| 2024

Universities Multiple Selection |
ColeggesMultiple Selection | For the case of Multiple Selected students
Multiple selection tcu 2023 | TCU Multiple Selected Applicants 2023/2024 All
Universities here you get the PDF for the names.

For those who have been selected
Multiples they are Supposed to Confirm to one College or University.



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